Why do I encounter an error at A = laplace(W1, W1); when executing the following PETSc parallel code, but the problem disappears when I remove rhoe? Additionally, I experience the same issue when I set rhoe to 1. I’m not sure why this is happening.
include “set_material.edp”
varf laplace(phi,phiv, eps=1.0e-8)=
int3d(Th)( Grad(phi)'*Grad(phiv)/rhoe )
real time01 = clock();
Mat A ;
// MatCreate(Th,A,P13d);
buildMat(Th, getARGV("-split", 1), A, P13d, mpiCommWorld)
real time02 = clock();
A= laplace(W1, W1);
real[int] b = laplace(0, W1);
real time03 = clock();
set(A, sparams = "-pc_type gamg -ksp_type gmres");
real time04 = clock();
phi[] = A^-1 * b;
I have already figured out where this issue is coming from, thank you for your answer. I apologize, but I have another question: how can I create a mesh that cuts a smaller cylinder out of a larger cylinder, like in this picture? I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you very much for your answers, and I will also take a close look at the Gmsh software. In the question two above, when I changed the code from mesh3 Th4 = cube(N/2, N/3, N, [x, 2+y, z], label = LL4, region=4); to mesh3 Th4 = cube(N, N/3, N, [x, 2+y, z], label = LL4, region=4);, it became possible to run normally. Could you explain why this is the case?
If I have a slightly more complex mesh, like this, is there any convenient way to solve this problem? Looking forward to your reply. test16.edp (2.5 KB)