Domain dependent parameters in elasticity

Hi All,

I want to implement elasticity in domain [0,1]*[0,1] with known analytical solution, and I want to use different values of lambda and nu, in different halves of the domain and I tried it as follows:

real nu1 = 10;  
real lambda1 = 2*10^4; Lame constant

real nu2 = 20;  
real lambda2 = 10^4; 

func nu = (y>=0.5 )*(nu1 + 0*x + 0*y) + (y<0.5 )*(nu2+ 0*x + 0*y);
func lambda = (y>=0.5 )*(lambda1 + 0*x + 0*y) + (y<0.5 )*(lambda2+ 0*x + 0*y);

On doing this, I noticed that at y=0.5, the L2 norm of computed solution u and exact solution uex are very different and I do not get the convergence of my solution. When I use the same parameters nu and lambda, I do not have any problem with the elasticity solver (I get desired convergence rates).

Please let me know if I needed to change anything in defining nu and lambda differently in different parts of the domain.

Thank you!

In the documentation section 2.6 (thermal conduction problem), different diffusion (k) has been used in different parts of the domain. So, I thought it should work the same way!

1)Defining nu and lambda as functions of x and y.
2) Use it in defining right-side functions and in variational formulation.

I plotted my solution in the case of elasticity in the whole domain [0,1]*[0,1] and it is way off as compared to exact solution. While using same lambda and nu over entire domain, my solution matches with the exact solution.

//RHS for Elasticity 
func f1s = -nus*(2*u1struexx+u1strueyy+u2struexy)-lambdas*(u1struexx+u2strueyx); 
func f2s = -nus*(2*u2strueyy+u2struexx+u1strueyx)-lambdas*(u1struexy+u2strueyy); 

fespace Uh(Gh,P2); // element space for displacement
Uh u1s,u2s, v1s, v2s;

problem structure([u1s,u2s], [v1s,v2s]) =
		int2d(Gh) ( 
								+ 0.5*(dx(u2s) + dy(u1s))*(dx(v2s) + dy(v1s)) 
								+ dy(u2s)*dy(v2s)
								) // 2nu(D(u),D(v))
					+ lambdas*(dx(u1s) + dy(u2s))*(dx(v1s) + dy(v2s)) // lambda(div(u),div(v))	
		-	int2d(Gh)(
						f1s*v1s + f2s*v2s 

		+ on(2,3,4,5,u1s=u1strue,u2s=u2strue); // BC

@fb77 Sir, I would really appriciate if you could please add any thought on it? Thank you!