Dear all.
I have developed a 2D flow to solve the steady NS equations for a more complicated mesh. Once I got the code working, I have tried to test it against some analytic problem. I have used the developing region of plane Poiseuille flow (x \in[0,L] and y \in [0 H]). The inlet boundary condition is u1 = 1, u2=0, the upper and lower walls are non slip. I solve the steady problem using Newton-Raphson and once I got the results, I have realised that the inlet boundary condition is slightly modified (it is not really imposing Ux=1). I send you here a plot
I upload a test problem. The results are written in datosPlanePoiseuille.dat, where the first column is the coordinate y, the second column u1(x=0) and the third one u1(x=L). You can see that there is an overshoot near the walls at the inlet boundary condition whereas I would expect to have u1 = 1.
testSteadyNSplanePoiseuille.edp (4.8 KB)