Dear users,
In order to obtain a partial reflective B.C. condition for a Helmholtz equation, I’d like to calculate the angle of incidence of a waterwave on a border.
I call u the solution of the equation, and the researched angle is $\gamma$.
Here is the formula (Steward - Panchang, 1999) :
$f(\gamma) = tan(\gamma) - \frac{\frac{1}{k} \frac{\partial arg(u)}{\partial x_s}}{ \frac{1}{k} \frac{\partial arg(u)}{\partial x_n} + \frac{2K_r(cos(k\beta)+K_r)}{1+2K_rcos(k\beta)+K_r^2}cos(\gamma)} $
$u$ is obtained by solving the equation a first time, with $\gamma= 0$.
I use a P1 triangulation.
Here I’d like to determine $\gamma$, knowing k, K_r, $\beta$, and $u$, buy solving $f(\gamma) = 0$ (with bracketing and disection).
x_n is the normal, and x_s is the tangent to the border, and arg(u) is the argument of u.
My problem is to calculate the derivatives of u.
I saw that I could obtain the tangent to the border by rotating the normal by pi/2.
Then on another topic, I read that I could collect the values of u on the border : getting data of specific points
So I tried to collect those values of u on the border, put them in a FE variable, take the argument of it, and apply the “dx” and “dy” operators to it. But I had an error.
Then my question is :
Do you have any idea on how to obtain $darg(u)/dxs$ or $darg(u)/dxn$ on a specific border ?
Here is a simple code I made to test the method :
real k = 0.002; // wavenumber
real Kr = 0.4; //reflection coeff
real theta = 11pi/8 ;
real k1 = kcos(theta);
real k2 = k*sin(theta);
real internRadius = 2000;
real externRadius = 5000;
// interior disc
border Cint(t=0,2pi){x= internRadiuscos(t) ; y = internRadius*sin(t) ;}
// exte disc
border CF(t=5/4.pi, 3/2.pi){x = externRadiuscos(t) ; y = externRadiussin(t);}
border Cext(t=-pi/2, 5/4.pi){x = externRadiuscos(t) ; y = externRadius*sin(t);}
mesh Th = buildmesh(Cint(-90) + CF(45) + Cext(90));
//Finite element space
fespace Vh(Th, P1);
Vh uh, vh, uinc = 0.5exp(-1i(k1x+k2y)); // uinc = incoming wave
Vh u,ur, uim; (for the real/imag solution)
Vh argu; // dNargu; // argu = argu of uh, dNargu = normal derivative ?
// Helmoltz
solve Helmoltz(uh,vh) = -int2d(Th)(dx(uh)dx(vh) + dy(uh)dy(vh)
+on(CF, uh = -uinc);
// Obtain uh on the interior circle
// boundary dof
int ndof;
{ int1d(Th,Cint,qfe=qf1pE)((ndof++)*1.); }
// indexes on the boundary
int[int] i1(ndof);
int[int] a(2ndof);
Vh index=0;
for(int i=0;i<Vh.ndof;i++) index[][i]=i;
int n=0;
Vh next=0;
for(int i=0;i<ndof;i++) next[][a(2i+1)]=a(2i);
for(int i=1;i<ndof;i++) i1(i)=next[][i1(i-1)];
//display the value of uh on the boundary Cint
//for (int i=0;i<ndof;i++){
//cout<<i1(i)<<" uh("<<Th(i1(i)).x<<","<<Th(i1(i)).y<<")="<<uh[][i1(i)]<<endl;
//How to get darg(uh)/dn on Cint??
// plot the solution
u = real(uh);
Thank you all for reading,