I am using the macro_ddm.idp to use buildDmesh and createMat with macro def(i) [i, i#B, i#C] // to solve the 3D elasticity equation in parallel using PETSc. I also need to solve a 1D and 2D varf in the same parallel script - how can I solve the varf of different dimension using the same local mesh, or how can I define another local mesh with different dimension (ex. def(i) i// ) using buildDmesh?
I’ve attached a simplified sequential version (ie. no mesh decomposition). The solver doesn’t work in this sequential case, but this is just so you can see what I intend to do/solve.
But both varf are defined on Omega, your single 3D mesh. You said initially that you have “1D and 2D varf”, but I don’t see any varf using either a mesh or meshL.
This is what I was trying to explain - thank you! My apologies for doing such a poor job at explaining, but this is exactly what I was trying to figure out.
How about solving in the same parallel script a problem in one mesh and another in a part of this mesh. For example, if you consider a 2D mesh and then solve a problem into a 1D mesh extract from this 2D mesh.