I’m trying to get the coordinates for a RT space. I’ve tried the following:
mesh Th = square(1,1);
fespace RTm(Th, RT1);
int ndofRTmK = RTm.ndofK;
real[int] dofPmd(ndofRTmK);
for(int i=0;i<ndofRTmK;i++){
dofPmd(i) = RTm(0,i);
cout << dofPmd << "\n";
RTm [tX, tY] = [x, y];
real[int,int] coorddofPmd(ndofRTmK,2);
for(int i= 0; i <ndofRTmK; i++){
coorddofPmd(i,0) = tX[][i];
coorddofPmd(i,1) = tY[][i];
cout << coorddofPmd << "\n";
but the values are all wrong. Can anyone help?
May 10, 2023, 7:43am
I think you will need two vectors to get this:
RTm [tx1, tx2] = [x, x];
RTm [ty1, ty2] = [y, y];
May 10, 2023, 9:52am
I’ve had problems with this but I guess you could put x into a scalar fespace
and then do similar to the above suggestions , RTm xscl =x; RTm [ tx1,tx2]=[xscl,xscl];
Although for better insight it may be best to create a simple varf on a small mesh
and dump the matrix and RHS,
varf seedof([a,b],[va,vb],tgv=-1) = int2d(Th)(a*va)+int2d(Th)(tX*va)
matrix A=seedof(RTm,RTm);
cout<<A<<endl; cout.flush;
real[int] b =seedof(0,RTm);
cout<<b<<endl; cout.flush;