Compilation error in the definition of a problem

I want to simulate a von Karman vortex past a cylinder. I get the following error when defining the Navier-Stokes problem:

Error line number 87, in file karman-vortices.edp, before  token +

   79 : ////----------------------------------
   80 : //// Equations
   81 : ////----------------------------------
   82 : problem nvs(u, v, p, uh, vh, q)
   83 :     = int2d(Th)(
   84 :         (u * uh + v * vh)/dt
   85 :     )
   86 :     + int2d(Th)(
   87 :         uh * (u * dx(u) + error operator *  <10LinearCombI7MGauche4C_F0E>, <10LinearCombI7MGauche4C_F0E> 
  current line = 87
Compile error : 
	line number :87, +
error Compile error : 
	line number :87, +
 code = 1 mpirank: 0

Here is the problem definition:

problem nvs(u, v, p, uh, vh, q)                                                                       
    = int2d(Th)(
        (u * uh + v * vh)/dt                                                                          
    + int2d(Th)(
        uh * (u * dx(u) + v * dy(u))
        + vh * (u * dx(v) + v * dy(v))
    - nu * int2d(Th)(
      Grad(U) : Grad(V)
    + int2d(Th)(
      dx(p) * uh + dy(p) * vh
    + penalty * int2d(Th)(
      q * (dx(u) + dy(v))
    + on(outlet, p = pout)
    + on(farfield, u = ufarfield, v = 0)
    + on(noslip, u = 0, v = 0);

Here is the full script if needed:

include "getARGV.idp";

// macros
macro grad(u) [dx(u), dy(u)]; //
macro Grad(U) [grad(U#x), grad(U#y)]; //
macro Div(U) (dx(U#x) + dy(U#y)); //

// physical/problem parameters
real Re = getARGV("-Re", 1.0);
real D = 10;       // cylinder diameter
real ufarfield = 10.0;     // inlet velocity
real nu = ufarfield*D/Re; // kinematic viscosity
real T = 1000;
real pout = 0.0;
real penalty = 1.0;
real dt = 1e-3;

// MESH 
// parameters
real xmin = 0; 
real ymin = 0;
real xmax = 800; 
real ymax = 300;
real xcyl = (xmin+xmax)/2;
real ycyl = (ymin+ymax)/2;

int nx = getARGV("-nx", 50);
int ny = getARGV("-ny", 50);
int ncylinder = getARGV("-ncylinder", 100);

// tags
int farfield = 1;
int inlet = 1;
int noslip = 2;
int outlet = 3;

// rectangle borders
border left(t=0, ymax){x=xmin; y=(ymax-t); label=farfield;};
border right(t=0, ymax){x=xmax; y=t; label=outlet;};
border bot(t=0, xmax){x=t; y=ymin; label=farfield;};
border top(t=0, xmax){x=(xmax-t); y=ymax; label=farfield;};

// cylinder 
border cylinder(theta=0, 2*pi){
    x = D*cos(theta) + xcyl; 
    y = D*sin(theta) + ycyl; 

// generation
mesh Th = buildmesh(
    left(ny)  + top(nx) + right(ny) + bot(nx) + cylinder(-ncylinder)
//plot(Mesh, wait=1);

// PDE
fespace Space1(Th, P1);
Space1 p, q;

fespace Space2(Th, P2);
Space2 u, v;
Space2 uh, vh;

// Initial conditions
u = ufarfield * (x< (xmin + (xmax-xmin)/4));
p = 0;
v = 0;

// Equations
problem nvs(u, v, p, uh, vh, q)
    = int2d(Th)(
        (u * uh + v * vh)/dt
    + int2d(Th)(
        uh * (u * dx(u) + v * dy(u))
        + vh * (u * dx(v) + v * dy(v))
    - nu * int2d(Th)(
      Grad(U) : Grad(V) 
    + int2d(Th)(
      dx(p) * uh + dy(p) * vh 
    + penalty * int2d(Th)(
      q * (dx(u) + dy(v)) 
    + on(outlet, p = pout)
    + on(farfield, u = ufarfield, v = 0)
    + on(noslip, u = 0, v = 0);

FreeFem++ cannot solve a nonlinear problem like you put in
u * dx(u) + v * dy(u)
Instead you should use
uold * dx(u) + vold* dy(u)
where uold and vold and the values at previous timestep. Then it becomes linear in u,v.

Ty. Alongside other bugs, this solution makes the script working. The scheme has some explicit/implicit terms.