I have try other method
argmin J(u) = int1d(Th)( sqrt((1+dx(u)^2)/(u)) ) ;
with BC u(0)=0, u(L)=h
The a fix point converge very slowly, and the Newton give non invertible matrix.
But I go very fast so I can make mistake my script
The numerical difficulty is the solution have infinite derivative on 0,
so a better think is to do the modélisation with no vertical gravity ie. oX is the slope
macro f(u) ((1+dx(u)^2)/(u)) //
macro df(u,v) (2.*dx(u)*dx(v)/u - v* (1+dx(u)^2)/u^2)//
macro ddf(u,v,w) (2.*dx(w)*dx(v)/u - (2.*dx(u)*dx(v)*w/u^2 - 2*v*dx(w)*dx(u)^2)/u^2 + 2*v*w*(1+dx(u)^2)/u^3)//
macro dfLb(u,up,v) (2.*dx(u)*dx(v)/up)// Linearisation of df bilinear part
macro dfLl(up,v) (- v* (1+dx(up)^2)/up^2)// Linearisation of df linear part
macro dj(u,v) (0.5*df(u,v)/sqrt(f(u))) //
macro ddj(u,v,w) (0.5*ddf(u,v,w)/sqrt(f(u)) - 0.5* df(u,v)*df(u,w)/f(u)^1.5) //
macro DJ(u,v) int1d(Th)(dj(u,v))//
macro D2J(u,v,w) int1d(Th)(ddj(u,v,w))//
// initialisation ..
load "ff-ipopt"
load "msh3"
int L=6; // L is the length of the 1D domain (unstretched bar)
real g=9.8;
meshL Th=segment(60,[6*x^3,0,0]);
fespace Vh(Th,P1); // Function space Vh with domain Th
Vh u,v,up,u0;
real h = 1;
u =0;
solve Pb0(u,v)= int1d(Th)(dx(u)*dx(v))+ on(1,u=0.) +on(2,u=h);
meshL Thmv0=movemesh(Th,[x,-u0]);
The loop of Fixed point algo
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
up[]=u[]; // previous value ...
solve PB1(u,v) = int1d(Th)( dfLb(u,up,v)/ sqrt(f(up)) ) + int1d(Th)(dfLl(up,v)/ sqrt(f(up)))
+ on(1,u=0.00) +on(2,u=h);
up[] -= u[];
real err = up[].linfty;
meshL Thmv=movemesh(Th,[x,-u]);
cout <<i << " err="<< err << " cout " << int1d(Th)( sqrt(f(u)) )<< endl;
plot(Thmv,Thmv0,dim=2,cmm=" err= "+err);
if(err<1e-6) break;
the loop for Newton method are
for (int i=0; i<100; ++i)
up[]=u[]; // previous value
solve Tangent(u,v)= int1d(Th)(ddj(up,u,v))
+ int1d(Th)(-ddj(up,up,v)
+ dj(up,v))
+ on(1,u=0.00) +on(2,u=h);
up[] -= u[];
real err = up[].linfty;
meshL Thmv=movemesh(Th,[x,-u]);
cout <<i << " err="<< err << " cout " << int1d(Th)( sqrt(f(u)) )<< endl;
plot(Thmv,Thmv0,dim=2,cmm=" err= "+err);
if(err<1e-6) break;