prj thank you for your reply,
for the mesh with the hole I have an inner boundary and an outer boundary:
real x0=0,y0=0;
real xF=pi,yF=pi;
int N =2^7;
real xS=48 pi/N,yS=48 pi/N;
real xSF=80 pi/N,ySF=80 pi/N;
// domain of problem
int[int] lab = [1,2,10,5];
mesh ThBot = square(N,N,[x0+(xF-x0) x,y0+0.5 (yF-y0)*y] , label = lab);
lab = [10,2,3,4];
mesh ThTop = square(N,N,[x0+(xF-x0) x,y0+0.5 (yF-y0) y+0.5 pi], label = lab);
mesh Th = ThBot + ThTop;
mesh Thwithole = trunc(Th, (x<xS | x>xSF|y<yS) | (x<xS | x>xSF| y>ySF ));
- If I use the additional parameter label inside the “trunc” command, will FF++ assign this label only to the inner boundary?
I mean, my inner boundary is a boundary of a square so it has four edges, than if I add to the code two lines
int[int] lab1 = [6,7,8,9];
mesh Thwithole = trunc(Th, (x<xS | x>xSF|y<yS) | (x<xS | x>xSF| y>ySF ), label=lab1);
will FF++, assign the label only to the inner boundary?
Because I want to keep the label of the outer boundary the same as it was before using the “trunc” command.
- For the labeling order, I saw in the documentation these examples
// Mesh
mesh Th1 = square(10, 10);
mesh Th2 = square(20, 10, [x+1, y]);
int[int] r1=[2,0];
plot(Th1, wait=true);
Th1 = change(Th1, label=r1); //change the label of Edges 2 in 0.
plot(Th1, wait=true);
// boundary label: 1 -> 1 bottom, 2 -> 1 right, 3->1 top, 4->1 left boundary label is 1
int[int] re=[1,1, 2,1, 3,1, 4,1]
plot(Th2,wait=1) ;
But I am not sure if this is what you meant for the labeling order?
Best Regards,