About stiffness martix

Dear all,
I used the following code to extract the stiffness matrix of the grid as shown in the figure, with the left boundary fixed.

The structure is relatively simple. The stiffness matrix can be pushed manually. It should be an 8 * 8 matrix, but only 56 elements can be calculated by FreeFEM. See the figure below.

I guess it’s because some 0 elements are omitted, isn’t it?

Here is my code.
real Rho = 8000.; //Density
real E =210.; //Young modulus
real Nu = 0.27; //Poisson ratio

real Gravity = -9.81; //Gravity

mesh Th = square(1,1);

func Pk = P1;
fespace Uh(Th, [Pk, Pk]);
Uh [ux, uy];

real sqrt2 = sqrt(2.);
macro Epsilon(ux, uy) [dx(ux), dy(uy), (dy(ux)+dx(uy))/sqrt2] //
macro Divergence(ux, uy) (dx(ux) + dy(uy)) //

real Mu = E/(2.(1.+Nu));
real Lambda = E
Nu/((1.+ Nu)*(1.-2.*Nu));

varf vElasticity ([ux,uy], [vx, vy])
= int2d(Th)(
Lambda * Divergence(vx, vy) * Divergence(ux, uy)
+ 2. * Mu * (
Epsilon(vx, vy)’ * Epsilon(ux, uy)
+ int2d(Th)(
Rho * Gravity * vy
+ on(4, uy=0,ux=0)

matrix Elasticity = vElasticity(Uh, Uh, solver=sparsesolver);

Th = movemesh(Th, [x+ux, y+uy]);
[ux, uy] = [ux, uy];

plot(Th,wait = 1);
cout <<" u = "<< Elasticity << endl;

Yes, FreeFEM uses sparse matrices by default, so (most) zero coefficients are not stored.