About Scott–Vogelius element

Running your new plugin I observe that the Powell-Sabin mesh is correct, but there is some difficulty:

When solving the Stokes linear system it takes 6 times more in cpu to get the solution. This indicates a stiff problem.
I think that making the computations of the intersection between the edge and the line joining the two triangle centers in C++ is not accurate enough compared to the same computation in FreeFem++ (that I did).
The consequence is that the points are not accurately enough aligned.
I had such problems before when saving my mesh into mesh1.msh:
I had to indicate a large number of digits when writing into the file.
Is it possible to use higher accuracy in your splitmesh6.cpp script ?

Ok, so I will put this new version in the develop version to day.

Con you send me you script, because I am suprise about the Stokes probleme.
The code is trivial, I think the problem is “ailleurs”.

mon script test …
Scott–Vogelius.edp (753 Bytes)

Dear teacher, the command “splitmesh6” does produce the powell-sabin mesh (in most situations), but it only suits two dimensions. Is there a similar command for producing the powell-sabin mesh in a three-dimensional area?

splitmesh12 is what you are looking for.

In 3d this is called Worsey-Farin, see
Low-order divergence-free approximations for the Stokes problem on
Worsey–Farin and Powell–Sabin splits, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 390 (2022) 114444

The Powell-Sabin split for arbitrary 2d mesh splitmesh6PowellSabin,
and the Worsey-Farin split for arbitrary 3d mesh splitmesh12WorseyFarin are available on the developer branch of FreeFem, but you can get them as plugins
(thanks Frederic Hecht for these update versions).
You can call them by (for example)

load “splitmesh6”
mesh Th=splitmesh6PowellSabin(Th0);
load "splitmesh12"
mesh3 Th=splitmesh12WorseyFarin(Th0);

the previous commands (still available) splitmesh6 and splitmesh12 are simplified versions that work only for square() or cube() meshes.

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Dear teacher, I am very grateful for your reply. And I get your idea. But when I use the Scott-V element (e.g., P2-P1disc), I need some restrictions on mesh for the inf_sup condition. In 2D, we need the barycenter refinement and the powell-sabin refinement for 3D. So, using W-F mesh (splitmesh12) can also satisfy the LBB condition for the SV element ? Thank you again honestly.

For short, the adapted split to satisfy the inf-sup condition is

– For P1/P0,
splitmesh6PowellSabin in 2d
splitmesh12WorseyFarin in 3d
– For P2/P1dc
splitmesh3 in 2d
splitmesh4 in 3d

Indeed the inf-sup condition is satisfied on V_h\times M_h with V_h either P1 or P2 according to the above, and M_h a certain subspace of P0 or P1dc, containing the image of V_h by the div operator. The precise definition of M_h is not important (it is not the full space), what is important is that it contains \mathop{\rm div}V_h.

I used splitmesh4 and P2/P1dc for the 3D-Cavity_Driven test, and it’s worked! Appreciation from my heart!