About Array Calculation

Deal all,
In my example, I want to calculate e (uu, vv) '* D * e (uu, vv), but an error occurs.
Here’s my code

// Parameters
real E = 21.5;
real sigma = 0.29;
real gravity = -0.05;

// Mesh
border a(t=2, 0){x=0; y=t; label=1;}
border b(t=0, 10){x=t; y=0; label=2;}
border c(t=0, 2){ x=10; y=t; label=1;}
border d(t=0, 10){ x=10-t; y=2; label=3;}
mesh th = buildmesh(b(20) + c(5) + d(20) + a(5));

// Fespace
fespace Vh(th, [P1, P1]);
Vh [uu, vv];
Vh [w, s];

// Macro
fespace Zh(th,[P1,P1,P1]);
Zh [Sxx,Syy,Sxy];
real sqrt2 = sqrt(2.);
macro epsilon(u1, u2) [dx(u1), dy(u2), (dy(u1)+dx(u2))/sqrt2] //
macro div(u,v) (dx(u) + dy(v)) //
macro e(x1,x2) [dx(x1),0.5*(dx(x2)+dy(x1)), dy(x2)]//
// Problem
real mu = E/(2*(1+sigma));
real lambda = Esigma/((1+sigma)(1-2sigma));
real a11 = 2
mu + lambda,a12 = 0,a13 = lambda;
real a22 = mu,a23 = 0;
real a33 = 2mu + lambda;
func D = [[a11,a12,a13],[a12,a22,a23],[a13,a23,a33]];
solve Elasticity ([uu, vv], [w, s])
= int2d(th)(
+ 2.mu( epsilon(w,s)'epsilon(uu,vv) )
+ int2d(th)(
- gravity
+ on(1, uu=0, vv=0)


real[int] auxVec = (Sxx.n);
auxVec = Sxx;
real com = e(uu,vv)‘*Sxx;
// real c = Sxx’*auxVec;
//real k = e(uu,vv)'*Sxx;
// Movemesh
cout << auxVec << endl;

Remark, e (uu, vv) '* D * e (uu, vv)is a function so to store a variable function yon can use a finite function with some interpolation interpolation , like in
yang.edp (865 Bytes)

remakes in this case you lose nothing because e (uu, vv) '* D * e (uu, vv) is P0 by element

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Thank you very much.

Sorry to bother you again. About the following three lines of code

fespace Vh(th, [P1, P1]);

Vh [uu, vv]=[x,y];

Vh [w, s];

If I change the second line of code to

Vh [uu, vv];

The results are the same.

I don’t quite understand=[x, y]; The role of this part of the code.