2D Gmsh mesh saved/recognized as 3D mesh


I am trying to build a simple 2D mesh with Gmsh and use it in FreeFem.

I save the mesh with File → Export → Mesh - INRIA Medit (*.mesh), with “Physical entities” and “Save all elements” checked. I obtain a mesh file that start like this:

MeshVersionFormatted 2
-9 1.5 0 1
-9 1 0 2
0 1 0 3
0 0 0 4

If I try to import it in FreeFem v.3.38 with mesh Th = readmesh("xxx.mesh"); I get his error message:

ReadMesh: Dimension <> 2
In file …/data/gamma0.666667_ER3//msh_n128//mesh_Li9_Lo90_n4_128_ER3.mesh, Erreur Lecture 0, good=0, bad=0, fail=0, eof=0 Line 19835
the next character :
8250 11606 15509 0
current line = 31
Exec error : Mesh IO Error
– number :1
Exec error : Mesh IO Error
– number :1
err code 7 , mpirank 0

So it seems that there is a problem of dimensions (2D vs 3D). What should I modify to get it working? Thank you in advance.

Without either the FreeFem or the GMSH files it is hard to help.
However, using a newer FreeFem version might solves the problem.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I have the same error with FreeFem v4.11.

Here are the .geo and .mesh files: gmsh_mesh.zip (14.8 KB)

I believe FreeFEM readmesh automatically assumes .mesh extensions are 3D. Try saving this with a .msh extension.

@cmd is right. Save in .msh format, using the version 2 ASCII option.

I see. So now I am saving with File → Export → Guess from extension → test.msh → Version 2 ASCII. I leave both “Save all elements” and “Save parametric coordinates” unchecked.

Reading the mesh with Th = gmshload(meshdir+"/test.msh"); seems to work. Also, the output of cout << labels(Th) << endl; is:

2 3 4 11 12 13

which seems to agree with the labels (2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13) I assigned to the boundaries in Gmesh (with e.g. Physical Line(11) = {2};).

Thank you both.


You can save to version 4 binary and use DM dm("your_mesh.mesh"); mesh converted = DM; as well, if you are using load "PETSc".

The initial problem is simple, gmsh build only 3d mesh of type “mesh”

see lines in file,


so the simple way is to read in
meshS ThS=readmeshS( " …");
mesh Th2 = movemesh(Thf,transfo=[x,y]); // flatten the mesh,

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