Output of the solution of a assigned point

Dear Professor,

According to your suggestion, I have added “-pc_type lu” in the set of sparams. However, the solutions with time iteration is still wrong.
The parallel computing code is as follows,

fespace Vh(Th,Pk);
Vh [u,uB,uC], [v,vB,vC],[u1f,u2f,u3f]=[.0,.0,.0],[u1b,u2b,u3b]=[.0,.0,.0];

varf Lame([u,uB,uC],[v,vB,vC])
int3d(Th)(lambdadiv(u,uB,uC)div(v,vB,vC)+2.mu( epsilon(u,uB,uC)'epsilon(v,vB,vC)))
+ on(1001,u=0.,uB=0.,uC=0.00001


Mat A;
createMat(Th, A, Pk)

for(int i=0;i<100;++i) {

matrix Loc = Lame(Vh, Vh,tgv=-1); //solve the problem
real[int] rhs = Lame(0, Vh,tgv=-1);
set(A, sparams = “-ksp_view -ksp_max_it 100 -pc_type lu”);
Vh def(u); // local solution
A = Loc;
u = A^-1 * rhs;

macro def1(u)u// EOM

//Time iteration of displacement

macro params()cmm = “Global solution time=”+t, fill = 1// EOM
plotMPI(Th, def1(u), P1, def1, real, params)

int[int] Order=[1,1];
savevtk(“uhydrate6_y.vtu”, Th,[u,uB,uC], dataname=“[u,uB,uC]”, order=Order,append = true);
The obtained solution significantly monotonically increases with number of iterations from (negative solution)^20 to (positive solution)^20. Such solution is apparently wrong. Because the solution should be fluctuating around 0, the solution has been obtained from serial calculation code using FreeFem++.

Please give me some advice. Thank you very much.

Best regards,