Dear Tak,
You can use the newly implemented routine transfer
to help you go between one distributed solution to another. If you want the transfer
, you can use the transferMat
function, see this new example PtAP-2d-PETSc.edp.
Here is the function used in your code, and the resulting screenshots.
load "PETSc"
macro dimension()2// EOM
include "macro_ddm.idp"
meshN Sh1=square(30,30,[x,y]);
meshN Sh2=square(50,50,[x,y]);
fespace Ph1(Sh1, P2);
Ph1 u=sin(4*x)+cos(5*y);
fespace Ph2(Sh2, P2);
Ph2 v;
// v=u;
macro defPlot(u)u//
transfer(Sh1, P2, u, Sh2, P2, v);
plotMPI(Sh1, u, P2, defPlot, real, cmm = "u")
plotMPI(Sh2, v, P2, defPlot, real, cmm = "v")